When an active connection to the Perseus hardware has been created, JAGUAR always uses a buffer file on the hard disk, making it possible to play back several frequencies close to real time. By default, the buffer file size is 10 minutes (when using the bandwidth of 1.6 MHz) or 8 minutes (when using the bandwidth of 2 MHz). A new file is always created when the buffer file reaches these limits. Users can re-create a new buffer file any time by pressing B in order to avoid a top-of-the-hour to happen between the buffer file switches.



When keyboard key B is pressed, buffer file on disk is recreated. In addition, user can add a [CUSTOM] definition to ensure that breakpoint will never happen at TOH defining REC_BREAKPOINT=xx (xx=forced breakpoint minute),


recreates new buffer file at each XX:57 and thus prevents the TOH appearing at file breaks whenever recording is active. REC_BREAKPOINT can be set to any minute but 57 or 58 are the optimal values. JAGUAR will make a file breakpoint always exactly at each XX:57:00 or XX:58:00.


Don't use REC_BREAKPOINT if you use scheduled recordings - Jaguar may need to handle two breakpoints (REC_BREAKPOINT and scheduled recording start) at the same time - or REC_BREAKPOINT can make an unnecessary breakpoint if a scheduled recording has just been started a minute or two earlier.