In addition to the user-configurable frequency list in VFO (= SET VFO in [MESTOR]), the user can define a maximum of 200 additional frequency lists for VFO. These additional VFO lists are called DIALS, and they are defined in the [DIALS] section of JAGUAR.INI. Each DIAL definition must have a short id name, and each DIAL must start from a new line. The DIAL line should not contain line breaks but otherwise there can be as many frequencies in the DIAL as you like.

The DIALs can be created by country, by network, by area dominants, or by whatever you prefer.

The DIAL summary:

• Give a name and add as many frequencies as needed
• Offsets (such as "1259.574") are allowed in the frequencies
• The preferred SSB mode (LSB or USB) can be given by adding L or U immediately after the frequency


Use Notepad (or Notepad++) or Jaguar's own text editor (see more information in JAGUAR.INI help) for adding/changing your personal dial information. For example [DIAL] section can look like this:


After you have saved JAGUAR.INI and restarted Jaguar, any of these DIALS can be activated by

• Selecting the desired DIAL from TOP MENU > VFO

• Right clicking TOOLBAR > V (VFO) and selecting the desired DIAL

Note that DEFAULT VFO (as defined in [MESTOR] section) is also available in the menu.

After you have activated the DIAL, it becomes your default VFO frequency list and whenever VFO is activated (instead of 9kHz / 10kHz stepping), the mouse wheel and left/right arrows scroll the DIAL frequencies if the frequency scroll mode is active.

DIALS is a very handy tool to be used as "memory banks", using it we can gather together frequencies belonging to the same country/area/network. When DIAL is activated in VFO, it is easy to spot // programming over several frequencies.

User can toggle between 9kHz / 10kHz and active VFO by clicking the corresponding TOOLBAR icons or alternatively repeat pressing V key which rotates stepping modes 9 > 10 > VFO. active VFO by clicking the corresponding TOOLBAR icons or alternatively repeat pressing V key which rotates stepping modes 9 > 10 > VFO.