JAGUAR contains a builtin scanner subsystem which can be used to produce detailed offset history for all or selected frequencies. This scanner subsystem can be used in the MANUAL SCAN or AUTOSCAN mode. In addition, user can activate special scanner called MONITOR.

While MANUAL SCAN can dig out the offset history only from the recorded data, AUTOSCAN can analyse the selected frequencies live whenever the hardware is connected. MONITOR works like AUTOSCAN but only for one selected frequency. MONITOR does not take as much CPU as the other SCANS so the SPEED can be set lower than in standard AUTOSCAN to achieve better resolution in the offset history for this selected frequency.

If MONITOR is activated and the MONITOR frequency is also included in AUTOSCAN frequency list, AUTOSCAN skips the scanning of that frequency.

Tip: if AUTOSCAN is defined for MW10, you can MONITOR some non-MW10 frequency at the same time even 24x7 if you like (or likewise with MW9).


MONITOR is defined in AUTOMATIC SCAN SETUP panel which can be invoked from STATUSBAR > S button.

When the S button is clicked, the user will see a small control panel where he/she can either quickly disable/enable scans (including MONITOR), or modify the features of MONITOR.

MONITOR is disabled by default but if you are interested in monitoring the offsets of some specific frequency more detailed than AUTOSCAN, this feature is recommended. MONITOR runs independently as specified by the user: the user just defines the following details on the MONITOR control panel:

• target frequency
• time period (FROM - TO) during which MONITOR collects the offset history
• speed: what is the time interval used for analysis, in seconds

If you choose to enable MONITOR, you can actually monitor the selected frequency 24x7 even without a single recording. MONITOR does not need/use "shadowing" (see AUTOSCAN help for more details).

The S button is GREEN if MONITOR has been activated but AUTOSCAN is disabled.

Just as with AUTOSCANs and MANUAL SCANs, the results of the MONITOR can be zoomed/viewed on the EXTENDED spectrum displays. For earlier MONITOR results you can still run MANUAL SCANs for the data, e.g. if you want increase the resolution for some parts of the data, provided you have recorded that target time slot: click S to define and launch a new MANUAL SCAN. Your MANUAL SCAN results will then be integrated into the correct time position in the offset history file used.

When you are tuned to the MONITORed frequency, you can use ALT-E to rotate the zoom levels of the offset history - and the keyboard key E to toggle the current EXTENDED view zoom level and the HOME screen. EXTENDED DAY has a fixed time frame but EXTENDED is dynamic, showing only the scanned times on the screen.

The default SPEED in AUTOSCAN is 60 i.e. one FFT sweep per minute. SPEED can be decreased for better output resolution.

Note: You can't use FAST CALIBRATION (see KALIBRATE help) if MONITOR is activated.