Generally NOTCH is used to eliminate sharp
peaks in audio frequencies - typically hets/whistles but they can be also peaks
on low frequencies. In Jaguar users have a special AUTONOTCH available
(designed for MW listening), in addition JAGUAR PRO users have max 20 MANUAL
NOTCHES available.
JAGUAR PRO users can freely tune the power of all the notches (including
AUTONOTCH), JAGUAR LITE users do not have that option.
Jaguar's AUTONOTCH is a "safe" notch, it can be kept always on without negative
effects in audio.
Jaguar's AUTONOTCH can be toggled ON <> OFF by clicking AUDIOBAR >
Unlike "normal" auto-notches, Jaguar’s autonotch is not based on
continuous scanning of the audio spectrum so there can be carriers/interference
anywhere in the spectrum not cleaned by the autonotch. Those must be handled
manually. We know from experience that a "scanning autonotch" often causes more
harm than benefit so experienced MW DXers normally do not use classic
JAGUAR’s autonotch never checks if there is really hets/whistles/peaks in
the audio; it just relies on the AM frequency spacing. A better name for this
would be "Trans-Atlantic Autonotch". When you listen to 10-kHz- spaced
frequencies, the autonotch works on the potential hets caused by nearby EU
frequencies but when you listen to 9-kHz-spaces frequencies, the autonotch
works on the potential hets caused by the 10-kHz- spaced frequencies. This is
mostly useful for listeners in USA. Otherwise, every other annoying het must be
notched manually.
So, JAGUAR’s autonotch handles only 1 kHz / 2 kHz / 3 kHz / etc. hets,
based on the nearby EU (or US) frequencies. When this AUTONOTCH is enabled, it
takes the hets away from both sides on both SSB modes, based on the frequency
you are listening. For example, if you are on AM 1030, the autonotch will
always clean 4 kHz and 5 kHz when on LSB or USB.
Users can not re-adjust directly the position of AUTONOTCH, but those notches
can be tuned in AUDIO WINDOW. Notching (auto & manual) always removes a
part of the "real audio" so it is a challenging game. Some experienced DXers
are very critical about classic autonotching but they can accept this kind of a
"safe autonotch", and can keep AUTONOTCH always on by default.
MANUAL NOTCHES can be added/trimmed in AUDIO WINDOW - see detailed description