Mouse RIGHT CLICK functionality in Jaguar depends on where mouse cursor is located - there are four main actions triggered by RIGHT CLICK.

* If the mouse cursor is over some additional / floating window (APPLET, INFOBOX, LOGBOX, CATBOX, MIDGET, KEYBOARD HELP, etc), RIGHT CLICKing the window is the fastest way to close it.

* If the mouse cursor is over a station (on MAPS or TURTLE), RIGHT CLICK triggers STATION MENU.

* If the mouse cursor is over TOOLBAR icon, RIGHT CLICK triggers a popup menu for that icon if there's any menu associated to the icon.

* If the mouse cursor is over WALLPAPER / graphics area, by default RIGHT CLICK triggers TOP MENU. However, in JAGUAR PRO user can override this function with other desired functionality as described in SETTINGS > RIGHTCLICK.


Full documentation of the functions mentioned above can be found in their corresponding help sections.