STEEP is a special filter mode available in all filters. STEEP cleans up more audio frequencies than NORMAL mode and thus STEEP is also sometimes called as "power filter mode".

The effect of STEEP can be clearly heard in the headphones: audio with STEEP crispier than in NORMAL mode, however we have lost some audio frequencies beyond the selected audio spectrum limits. The effect can be visualized with before (= NORMAL mode) and after (= STEEP mode) images of AUDIO WINDOW (in JAGUAR PRO only).

The strongest single audio frequency (peak) changes from 10Hz to 2300 Hz and there is a considerable suppression in the amplitude of the lowest (non-speech) audio frequencies. The filter curve is also much "steeper" at the filter edge than when using NORMAL mode.


You can trigger STEEP mode ON/OFF using AUDIOBAR > "NORMAL<>STEEP" button. Jaguar Pro users can also toggle it on/off by clicking the filter area in FILTER APPLET (more information in APPLET help).

JAZZ and CALLIOPE use different specifications/different filter mechanism in the STEEP mode filter so the audio output may sound a bit different when comparing those filters using the same BW / OFFSET.