UFO = Unidentified Frequency Object

Offset hunters often face the fact that there are many interesting tracks on our spectrum canvas which remain unidentified. You may also get some audio out of one and realize that it is a "big fish". Listed offsets in TURTLE do not offer any help either. So definitely something to be monitored - not only in the future but also in the already recorded history files. So why not collect and register also these kind of offsets in Jaguar ? That's what we do using the UFO feature!

If user spots something that "needs to be kept in mind", that offset can be added to the UFO list. A short text can be included (some remark of the audio heard if any/direction/etc.): "SS", "SPO", "East Coast", etc.

Whenever user tunes to a frequency with such a UFO registration included, Jaguar will show a UFO marker and the text included - among the other offset flags.

In V5 these UFO markers will serve only as reminders when user views the spectrum and/or SCAN results but later in the future versions Jaguar could also automatically monitor them in the background and alert user when/if any of the UFO peaks is "rising high" anywhere on the dial.

UFO markers are "tx towers" shown together with the known offsets (shown as FLAGS).


You can add UFOs in two ways:

1) Tune to any offset and type (starting with dot)

.UFO your-text

and the system saves & shows a UFO marker whenever you tune to the nominal frequency


2) Create and edit file UFO.TXT (name in capital letters) in your Jaguar installation folder and add UFO markers (one per line) in the format

XXXX.XXXX your-text

where XXXX.XXXX is the offset you want to connect with a UFO marker.

UFO list can be edited with notepad or directly in Jaguar via TOPMENU > LOGS > UFO NOTES.

Note that in V5 only one UFO marker can be used per frequency.

In addition, nothing stops you using UFOs for any other purpose as well: you can mark the "most wanted station" for each frequency if you know the offset or you can mark also old familiar stations if you need any kind of regional indicator stations to be shown with SPECTOR.