CATBOX is a toolbox for maintaining station data in CATBOOK. Many JAGUAR tools (logging, etc.) add/update the CATBOOK data automatically, and more data can be added via CATBOX. More details in the CATBOOK help.


Clicking any station on MAPS or TURTLE opens LOGBOX. In the middle of LOGBOX, there is a button "SHOW CATBOX" (or "CREATE CATBOX" if the selected station is not yet in CATBOOK). Click this button to open CATBOX.

CATBOX allows you to change all the data displayed (except the continent/country code/state) because CATBOX is "your own view to stations". So, for example, you can change the name of the station (sometimes the station naming format in MWLI/TURTLE is not the best possible), format and even the coordinates. MY POWER can be used to denote the power used at the time of reception (if the station has separate day/night transmitting powers).

You can change the color of P-TAGS by clicking the CATBOX title header. Repeated clicks rotate the allowed colors, as will scrolling the mouse wheel and the left/right arrow key presses.

You can add a DAYTIMER tag to the station by clicking the DAYTIMER button; the definition of "DAYTIMER" is not exact so you can decide what stations you want to tag as "daytimers".

AUDIO LINK (an audio clip file or the web address to the audio clip) can be added, and the audio clip can be played within CATBOX by clicking the PLAY button. Next to the PLAY button there is a small (...) button which can be used to load the audio file from JAGUAR's CLIPS folder. Only one CLIPS folder location is supported: the default CLIPS folder is used so the string must contain the file name only (not the full path).

QSL LINK will be used in the future. Currently, CATBOX has only this placeholder already implemented.

All logged stations can be tracked based on the years starting from 2020 (using the "2020-2030 buttons"); these buttons are updated automatically when a logging is made.

Clicking DELETE removes the selected station entry from CATBOOK.

If you need to add an older station entry to CATBOOK (no more listed in TURTLE), or you want to add a brand-new station (not yet listed in TURTLE), you can open an empty LOGBOX by pressing ALT-I. You can log this station (to file / daylog) if you like, and click the "CREATE CATBOX" button to insert this station to CATBOOK, too. In this case, you have to fill out the continent/ITU/state details and the coordinates.

After you have made all the changes, remember to click SAVE before closing the window.