CR, or the standard Click Remover, was originally designed to wipe out/silence clicks caused by electric fences and similar. It may be useful also in some other cases, for example in softening splatters from the nearby frequencies. The "CR hit power" (= the cut value of the click) can be adjusted, and, in JAGUAR PRO, also the duration of the CR hit can be set.

WARNING: Do not keep CR enabled in vain or keep the CR hit value too high. Otherwise, it will start to "eat" the real audio and cause stuttering and probably other audio anomalies.



The easiest way to activate CR is to click the TOOLBAR > CR button.

By default, CR is disabled, but it can be toggled on/off by clicking this button. Also the ALT-A key combination is available.

The "hit level" can be changed by moving the mouse over the CR button and scrolling the mouse or press the left/right arrow keys. The hit levels are grouped to three categories: Low (CR LOW), Average (CR AVG), and High (CR HIGH).


You can activate/finetune CR also via the WAVE APPLET. The applet offers more detailed CR stepping (9 different "cut levels" are available). In addition, the applet offers the option to change the CR hit duration. More info in the APPLETS help.