You can define a maximum of 10 frequency lists for VFO. These frequency lists are called DIALS, and they are defined in SETTINGS > DIALS. Each DIAL definition contains a short label name and a list of frequencies.

DIALS can be used as "memory banks", e.g. for gathering frequencies that belong to the same area or network. When DIAL is activated in VFO, it is easy to spot parallel programs over several frequencies.

The DIALs can be created by area dominants, or by whatever criteria you prefer.

Only 10 user-defined lists are supported because JAGUAR offers faster and easier ways to build these lists dynamically: please check the FREQLIST and LOCATOR functions.

The DIAL summary:


When the DIALS window is open, a new dial can be added to the system by clicking the "CHANGE" button, typing one DIAL definition into the corresponding text box and then clicking "SAVE" for the added DIAL. For example, the DIAL window can look like this (note that the window itself can not show the full frequency list):

Any DIAL can be activated by clicking TOOLBAR > V (VFO) and selecting the desired DIAL.

The installation package has one built-in default DIAL (named as "VFO") as an example, containing the graveyard frequencies, you can modify/delete this if needed.

After you have activated the DIAL, it becomes your default VFO frequency list, and when VFO is activated (instead of 9-kHz / 10-kHz stepping), the mouse wheel and left/right arrows scroll the DIAL frequencies if the frequency scroll mode is active.

You can toggle the 9-kHz/10-kHz stepping and the active VFO by clicking the their TOOLBAR icons