Many DXers use "hunting lists" for new stations. In JAGUAR these lists can be created automatically if the user has tagged desired/"most wanted" stations with the red color (P-TAG P2 = "Hot station", see P-TAGS help for details). Jaguar can create "HOTLISTS" based on the stations tagged as red: a dynamic dial is generated based on the selected country / US state and this dial can be placed to VFO for tuning those frequencies one by one.

In this example, the mouse cursor is hovered over Georgia, and the HOTLIST for the GA stations is shown on the left side of the display. If some frequency contains more than one "hot" station, only the state code (or ITU code) is listed as the name.


HOTLIST can be triggered only from the MAPS display (press "M" for MAPS or click SLIDER > MAPS). In addition, the user has to select "HOTLIST" from SLIDER > STYLE (click or scroll until you see "HOTLIST"). Red HOTLIST buttons are shown for each country/US state that contains stations tagged as red.

Select the desired HOTLIST by moving the mouse cursor over the HOTLIST button. Click the button to activate the HOTLIST: the frequencies in the HOTLIST will generate a "dial" to VFO and the control jumps to the first frequency of that list, unless the currently-played frequency is already on that list.

Now you can tune up/down that list by scrolling (mouse wheel and/or the left/right arrow keys) or jump directly to any frequency on that list by clicking it.

You can change the display keeping the HOTLIST still active. If you want to exit the HOTLIST mode, select "STATIONS" from SLIDER > STYLE.