The SDR revolution has brought a new element into MW DXing: the use of offsets in signal analysis and pre-identification. In order to use any offset-based tool in JAGUAR, reliable calibration is required.

KALIBRATE is JAGUAR's calibration function. Compared to other SDR software, JAGUAR's calibration method is exceptionally easy, and it does not have to be made before recording. In addition, there is support for the "4th decimal" (a fraction of Hertz) accuracy.

The last fourth decimal is not necessarily always correct: already the mathematic error margin is +/- 0.1 Hz. Although the fourth decimal can be used, logging the fourth decimal requires extra attention and a bit a longer period of time spent in monitoring.

The calibration status can be seen on the CAL button on the STATUSBAR: a thin line at the center of the button means that the calibration is on spot.


KEY = K, or clicking the STATUSBAR > CAL, or clicking the TOOLBAR > K (KALIBRATION) icon.

By pressing the "K" key you can calibrate JAGUAR's frequency accuracy, based on the accuracy of the current frequency. You must tune in to a frequency where the station has a known and stable frequency with a sharp carrier peak visible. After the "K" key is pressed, the SPECTOR peak should show the exact .0000 frequency. You can repeat the process if the conditions make the peak to wobble, and it is difficult to get an exact calibration match. The calibration has an error range of 0.0001 kHz so the last fourth decimal is not necessary always correct - but it can be, you cannot be always sure. This is why some recommend to use only three decimals in official offset loggings.

You can repeat this process any time you see that the calibration is not "spot on". This may be caused due to many things, e.g. a change in the hardware temperature. Calibration can be done either in the LIVE mode, or while listening to any ARCHIVE file (in JAGUAR, calibration can be done also afterwards for old files).

JAGUAR can also be calibrated by clicking the STATUSBAR > CAL or the TOOLBAR > K (KALIBRATION) icon.


The method of pressing the "K" key requires that you are tuned to the nominal frequency of the station used in calibration. However, most of the JAGUAR PRO users use the FAST CALIBRATION method: you can KALIBRATE your setup being tuned to any frequency and press the "K" key (or click STATUSBAR > CAL). All what we need is a good solid calibration frequency for your setup. Naturally it must be available at any time you calibrate.

Normally, calibration is done with a station known to be on the exact .0000 frequency.

First, you must define your calibration frequency in SETTINGS > SPECTRUM > FAST_CALIBRATE. For example,

FAST_CALIBRATE ............ 1413

Now if you press the "K" key (when listening to any frequency!), JAGUAR performs the calibration in the background (the playback control does not jump to 1413). Of course, you can go to 1413 and check if that was done correctly but if it seems to be "always OK", quite likely you start to trust it and there is no need to check it after pressing "K". When you press "K" in "normal" calibration, JAGUAR prompts a "Do you really want to ..." confirmation box but there is no need for that if you use FAST_CALIBRATE: it does not harm if you press "K" accidentally because calibration is just done one more time using the correct frequency.

In many European setups, 1413 (Moldavia) is often visible (but not always audible in full daylight) so we in Europe can successfully do this "blind calibration" quite freely (situation in May 2024).

You can list several calibration frequencies to FAST_CALIBRATE (separated by comma) and change the calibration frequency any time by pressing ALT-K or clicking TOOLBAR > K (a popup menu is displayed). In addition, you can schedule the change of the calibration frequency in MESTOR using the SET CALFREQ option..


If you trust your calibration frequency (e.g. you have a GPSDO device or there is a good stable calibration frequency available 24x7), you will never need to calibrate manually. Instead, you can let JAGUAR keep the calibration spot on as a continuous background process: define


in SETTINGS > SPECTRUM > AUTO_CALIBRATE. This setting takes care of the calibration for SPECTOR and the spectrum graphs.