Many DXers regard the keyboard shortcuts as the fastest way to control and operate an application. JAGUAR offers dedicated keyboard shortcuts for the most important functions (see KEYBOARD). In addition, the keyboard number keys can be used for quick navigation of frequencies and times.

All time jumps given by NUMBERS will happen within the current "DX DAY" (20:00-20:00 UTC), so the real date itself can change when the given hour is located beyond 00:00 UTC (DX DAY hours are 20, 21, 22, 23, 00, 01, 02, etc).


When JAGUAR is your currently active Windows application, you can just enter the frequency or time with the keyboard number keys and press ENTER. JAGUAR recognizes if the given number is a frequency and a time. Here are some examples (after typing the numbers, ENTER must be pressed):

873 - Jump to the frequency of 873 kHz

1530 - Jump to the frequency of 1530 kHz

8 - Jump to 08:00 UTC

13 - Jump to 13:00 UTC

04:37 - Jump to 04:37 UTC