PLAYBOX is recommended as the first navigation tool for new JAGUAR users. Often with SDR applications large amounts of recorded files generate a new problem: how to find out where do we have "good signals" and how to navigate quickly to those times and/or to those frequencies. PLAYBOX offers a simple and handy platform for jumping to any desired HH:MM or frequency.
PLAYBOX also offers the preview of the contents of your daily recordings on each frequency - without changing the current playback itself.
PLAYBOX can be opened/closed by clicking one of the round corner buttons (the one on the right side down on the screen). PLAYBOX can also be closed by right-clicking the window (or clicking the tiny "x" on the top right corner of the window).
PLAYBOX can also be opened/closed by pressing ALT-O ("alternate open").
By default PLAYBOX shows the signal history for the current playback frequency for the recorded times on the current playback day. The signal strengths are shown by a colored ball for each HH:MM. These colors correspond the YAS LOG colors (so tuning the YAS LOG's color CONTRAST changes also the color of these balls).
You can jump to any recorded HH:MM by clicking the ball. In addition, there are four predefined HH:MM times available for jumping: SUNRISE (the local sunrise HH:MM), SUNSET (the local sunset HH:MM), HIGHEST (HH:MM where the carrier strength is the highest on that day) and MAX TOH (HH:MM where the carrier strength is the highest among TOHs), just click the selected item.
If the mouse cursor is over the PLAYBOX window (but not over RECDATE / CHANNEL), you can scroll from TOH to TOH by the mouse wheel or the left/right arrow keys.
If you want to preview other frequencies, move the mouse cursor over CHANNEL and scroll with the mouse wheel (or left/right arrow keys).
If you want to preview other days, move the mouse cursor over RECDATE and scroll with the mouse wheel (or left/right arrow keys). You can also use the keyboard keys N (next) and P (prev),
On a previewed window you can jump directly to any HH:MM by clicking any desired HH:MM.
When the PLAYBOX is active, you can still change the playback frequency from outside the PLAYBOX. In that case, you will be automatically directed to the HH:MM position shown by the HIGHEST signal strength HH:MM.