TOMCAT is a huge database of Scandinavian (Finland / Sweden / Norway) loggings. The results can be filtered by continent, country where logged, and the year (loggings since 2***). The results can be sorted either by DATE (descending) or ITU (ascending). TOMCAT is located in an external server, and the logging data is updated periodically by our team.

In the example below, a TOMCAT query is made by the following criteria: "Show all loggings since 2020 on 1590 and sort the results by date".


TOMCAT is an online database so an Internet connection is required.

You can use TOMCAT from DATABASE BAR: click the SLIDER button so that you will see the standard TURTLE window and DATABASE BAR. Normally, you will see your current TURTLE version (TURTLE-YYYY-MM) in the middle of the bar. Move the mouse over that area and the TURTLE and MORE buttons can be seen. Click the MORE button and select TOMCAT from the popup menu.

TOMCAT shows Finnish and Norwegian MW DX loggings loaded from OLL ("Online Log"). TOMCAT uses a shadow copy of the real OLL, and the copy is updated at times. The Swedish loggings are provided from ARC MV-Eko. Most of the loggings are not in English but they are certainly still very useful: many loggings contain ID transcriptions which are often helpful when trying to identify weak stations. In addition, the loggings can be translated into English. If you click a logging, a popup window appears with text (( TRANSLATE ? )). If you hit "YES", the logging will be translated using your favorite browser and the Google translator.

On DATABASE BAR, you will see the following query buttons:

When you modify any of the query filters or tune in to another frequency, the result set is refreshed immediately.

You can return to the standard TURTLE mode by clicking the TURTLE button on DATABASE BAR.