TOOLBAR contains a set of icons/buttons for the most-used JAGUAR features:
WWW - Open JAGUAR's home page on the Internet.
STREAMS - Open the menu for the user's favorite Internet radio streams (see STREAMS).
JAGRUN SCRIPT - Default commands for the currently-active JAGRUN script.
JAGRUN MENU - A list of the available JAGRUN scripts.
JAGRUN - You can fully automate your standard file/frequency scanning with JAGRUN scripts (see JAGRUN).
9 kHz - Set a frequency stepping of 9 kHz for EU/AF/AS/OC stations.
10 kHz - Set a frequency stepping of 10 kHz for NA/CA/SA stations.
VFO - Select the VFO frequency list for stepping from the popup menu.
SPACE WEATHER - Show the space weather banner corresponding to the current playback time always on the top of the screen.
DAYLOG - Add a bookmark (= a TIMESTAMP/FREQUENCY pair with "CHECK" text) to DAY.LOG. See DAYLOG.
RECORD - Start/stop continuous recording.
SCISSORS - Start/stop flushing the output audio to CLIPPER (JAGUAR's built-in audio editor). See CLIPPER.
PREV TOH - Jump to the previous top-of-the-hour
PREV FILE - Jump to the previous file.
PAUSE/MUTE - Toggle PAUSE ON and OFF (or MUTE ON and OFF in the LIVE mode).
NEXT FILE - Jump to the next file.
NEXT TOH - Jump to the next top-of-the-hour
FREQ SCROLL - Toggle the frequency-scrolling mode ON and OFF.
LOOP - Repeated audio looping.
SCREENSHOT - Create a screenshot using the Windows OS "Snipping tool".
COMPARE - Enter the mode where you can switch between/compare two frequencies. See COMPARE.
COBRA - Demodulate the audio from the highest-peaking carrier frequency around the nominal. See COBRA.
KALIBRATION - Open the calibration frequency menu. See KALIBRATE.
SPECTOR - Toggle the SPECTOR style between the curve and the peaks mode.
DAY START - Jump to the first file in each day folder.
LIVE<>ARCH - Toggle the LIVE mode and the currently-active ARCHIVE file. See LIVE MODE and ARCHIVE MODE.
VOYAGER - Start/close the VOYAGER mode. See VOYAGER.
ALT MAPS - Select any of the supplementary maps:
FLAGS - Show the known offsets as vertical "flagpoles". See FLAGS.
CLEAR - Toggle the "clean display" on <> off. See CLEAR.
FILEMAIL - Transfer files between your JAGUAR PCs. See FILEMAIL.
TEXTPADS - Small notepad-style editors for JAGUAR text files. See TEXTPADS.
APPLETS - Individual applets can be launched from the popup menu. See APPLETS.
SETTINGS - Toggle the SETTINGS dashboard on <> off. See SETTINGS.
INFO - Show the INFO popup menu with the following menu items:
OPEN - Open a new archived wideband file for playback.
KIT - Minimize JAGUAR into the KIT mode (see KIT).
SHUTDOWN - Show the popup menu for shutdown/reset services, including the following options:
RESET: Close and restart JAGUAR and delete the internal restart information (= the SYSTEM.INI and/or SETUP.INI files).
RESTART: Close and restart JAGUAR.
Most of the icons toggle the corresponding functionality ON and OFF. Many of the icons also rotate the available values when clicked on.
A brief summary of each toolbar function is presented above, more details can be found in the item-specific HELP sections.