MWLI ( is a unique database of worldwide radio stations on longwave, mediumwave and shortwave. MWLI powers various things like the mediumwave section of, the mwoffsets file and an online logbook site.

It is a non-commercial hobby project and open for everyone to contribute and use.

JAGUAR leverages several MWLI services:

The first two options are available for all JAGUAR versions. The last three options are available in JAGUAR PRO provided that MWLI account credentials have been set in JAGUAR.

Below you will see an example of how the MWLI Visual Logbook looks like. When triggered from JAGUAR, the map opens up in a standard browser window with worldwide loggings made on the day currently playing in JAGUAR. The database-like logbook of the same can be found when you scroll the browser page down.


The monthly TURTLE databases can be downloaded from DATABASE BAR (see the DATABASE BAR help for details).

You can invoke the MWLI Visual Logbook from TOP MENU > MAPS > MWLI LOGMAP (see TOP MENU for details).


If you want to submit loggings and/or offset loggings to MWLI, you must set your MWLI credentials via SETTINGS > MWLI:

EMAIL ................
OMID ................. omid value

If you have set these two lines, you can then submit your loggings to MWLI.

If you are unsure of your omid number, you can check it by logging in to the MWLI at, clicking the "myAM" tab and picking up the number shown below the "myAM" on the details page.

In this example, the omid is blurred for security reasons.

When you have set your MWLI credentials, you can submit a test logging to MWLI; instructions can be found in LOGBOX. Also, if you like, you can also start contributing to the worldwide mwoffset list; more details can also be found in LOGBOX.

If you have set your MWLI credentials, SLIDER > MWLI can be selected to fetch and show all your personal MWLI loggings you have made for the date currently playing in JAGUAR.