There are two types of offsets in JAGUAR: GLOBAL and LOCAL.

The global offsets are the "official" station offsets maintained in the MWLI offsets list. This information is included the TURTLE database (see TURTLE for more). You can submit your own offset observations to the MWLI offsets list via LOGBOX with just one mouse click.

The offset values saved locally are known as "local offsets". Normally, when a new offset is observed, it is logged both "globally" to MWLI and to a local text file. It is recommended that you share your offsets with fellow DXers around the world and use LOGBOX for offset logging to both targets. However, if you prefer to collect/maintain only your own offset list locally, this is also possible.

The global offsets are shown on the TURTLE rows (next to the station name, blank if not available) and as FLAGS ("flagpoles" at the exact offset positions aligned with the current spectrum). See the FLAGS help.

The local offsets are saved into a text file named OFFSET.txt, located in the JAGUAR installation folder. They are shown as "pins" on the bottom of the spectrum (this area is also known as the "offset bar"). Normally, only a small pin is shown but if the mouse is moved over it, full data is shown and you can modify it. Also, when using FLAGS, all the local offsets are fully shown (i.e. longer pins with full data). This format can also be selected as the default.


GLOBAL OFFSETS: Submitting offsets to MWLI

Submitting global offsets to MWLI requires that the MWLI credentials have been set in SETTINGS > MWLI. See the SETTINGS > MWLI help. Otherwise, the MWLI button is disabled.

LOCAL OFFSETS: Submitting offsets locally to JAGUAR, three methods:

(( METHOD 1 ))

(( METHOD 2 ))

(( METHOD 3 ))

The optional data can be:

The following options can be useful while working with the offsets (see SETTINGS > OFFSETS):



The output from TOOLBAR > FLAGS ("the full offset scene") can be shown on any JAGUAR display but the "offset peeker" is available only on the spectrum displays.



METHOD 2 is the fastest way to control your local offsets. OFFSET_BAR is either visible (if OFFSET_BAR is activated) or just a "virtual bar". The red offset flag will be displayed when OFFSET_BAR has the control.

OFFSET_BAR offers the following services: