By default, the HOME display always appears first when JAGUAR is started. HOME is one of the JAGUAR's spectrum displays, presenting detailed spectrum information for the current frequency in the current playback file. HOME is also the only spectrum display available in JAGUAR LITE.

JAGUAR PRO offers extended spectrum displays (HISTORY) which contain the "offset history" produced by SCANS (see LIVESCAN and FILESCAN for more details).

When you start JAGUAR for the first time, or make a RESET of the playback settings, INFOBOX will be displayed on top of the HOME screen (see INFOBOX for more details). If you want to jump directly to the playback mode, click LIVE or OPEN, and close INFOBOX.

The HOME screen shows the spectrum of the currently-active frequency in the waterfall mode. The time span of the display covers the time period available in the recording. Note that, in the LIVE mode, there is always an active 10-minute playback buffer file (8 minutes if SAMPLING rate of 2000 is used). A small white circle ("runspot") shows the location in the currently-playing file. You can also attach a flag, showing the exact frequency played pointing to that circle (SETTINGS > GRAPHICS > FLAGSPOT). You can left-click the mouse to jump into any time point / offset within that file.

Note that the spectrum line locations (the exact offset positions) on the screen are not correct if you have not calibrated JAGUAR, or if the previous calibration is no more accurate. To re-calibrate, see KALIBRATE for details.

If you move the mouse to the left edge, you will see TIMEFRAME showing the recorded HH'MM (hours, minutes) areas on that day (see GUIDE > TIMEFRAME for details).

If you move the mouse to the right edge, you will see ZOOMFRAME showing your current ZOOM position. You can change the zoom level with a mouse click, and this enter the HISTORY screens (= extended spectrum displays).

JAGUAR can create a preview of the spectrum ("HOMESCAN") on the HOME screen when you tune in to a new frequency. HOMESCAN is a sparse spectrum display that shows the skeleton of the offsets found on that frequency. This preview uses a considerable amount of CPU and I/O resources. If you keep HOMESCAN enabled, you can change the resolution of HOMESCAN by changing the STEPPING value (see GUIDE > HOMESCAN for more details).

The maximum offset area that can be shown is 500 Hz on both sides of the tuned frequency, and your spectrum span is limited only by your screen resolution. So, in low-resolution monitors, it may not be possible for you to see the full 1-kHz span. Also, if you want to see beyond +/- 500 Hz, you must tune in to the adjacent frequency. You can zoom this offset span with the SPECTOR zoom (= TOOLBAR > SPECTOR, see GUIDE > SPECTOR for details).

If you prefer a horizontal presentation of HOME, you can press ALT-V. ALT-V toggles the vertical and horizontal orientations. You can define SETTINGS > STARTUP > START_AS > HOME_AS_HORIZONTAL if you want to use the horizontal mode as your default HOME orientation.

The horizontal display shows a narrower area for offsets but, in turn, the spectrum lines (in time) are aligned nicely with the PLAYBAR's progress bar. In the vertical display mode, you can use FLAGS to see listed offsets (see GUIDE > FLAGS help for details); however, in the horizontal mode, there is only a limited possibility to show the offsets.

The most-often-used JAGUAR functions are scrolling in time and scrolling frequencies, and there are ample ways to do so for both. When "traveling in time" (or on the dial), the spectrum and/or the "runspot" will be refreshed automatically.


The HISTORY (extended spectrum) displays show the offset history data if you have run either LIVESCAN or FILECAN.

If there is no offset history (scan data) available, you will see just empty time frames. You can start FILESCAN (see GUIDE > FILESCAN) to run a short scan to see how the offset history data is displayed on the HISTORY screen.

These extended HISTORY views can be used to analyze the offset history throughout the day, revealing sign-on/sign-off times, and jump directly to the time spots where an interesting rising carrier levels are being observed. The normal point-and-shoot option is available: when the mouse cursor is bright, there is a recording available behind that spot, and clicking there brings you to that offset/time.

You can repeat FILESCAN as many times as necessary to achieve a higher resolution or scan for various time slots of the day. Earlier scan results are always replaced by the latest run for each scanned frequency. However, if you are interested in the offset history, it is highly recommended that you use LIVESCAN, which is "scanning made easy": everything is ready when you need the offsets, no need to wait long scan jobs to complete. However, you can always run FILESCAN afterwards using a higher resolution for those interesting times/frequencies seen in LIVESCAN results.


You can jump to HOME from any display by

The extended spectrum display (JAGUAR PRO ONLY) can be opened by

You can move the spectrum location up/down on the screen by dragging the mouse. If you define SETTINGS > PLUGINS > DRAG_SPECTRUM_HORZ=Y, you can also move the spectrum location left/right on the screen by dragging the mouse. Right-clicking the mouse restores the center location if you have relocated the position (if not, then the mouse right-click performs the standard user-defined right-click operation).

When you place the mouse over a spectrum screen, you can move the spectrum location up/down on the screen by scrolling the mouse wheel.

SLIDER has two important controls for customizing spectrum displays: STYLE (STANDARD > GLOW > XRAY > CATWALK) and CONTRAST (spectrum color strength). See SLIDER for more details.

In today's MW DXing eyes are as important as ears, so the visual help given by SPECTRA displays can save a lot of time when studying a huge number of recordings.