(((( JAGUAR OPTIONAL FILES ))))) * BASS AUDIO LIBRARY (BASS) * SHAZAM MUSIC IDENTIFIER (SHAZAM) * AUDIO CLIP TEMPO/PITCH (SOUNDSTRETCH) * NA PATTERN DATA (PATTERNS) * YASLOG ARCHIVE SUPPORT (YASLOG2GIF) * ANTENNA SWITCH SUPPORT (DEVANTECH) * LATEST JAGUAR MAPS (NEWMAPS) * FILESCAN FOR JAGUAR V10 (FILESCAN) ********* BASS ******************************************************** After download, unzip the contents into your JAGUAR folder. If "bass.dll" is available in the JAGUAR installation folder, you can control internet radio streams directly from Jaguar (TOOLBAR > STREAM) and use the alternate audio clip recording (ALT-C). ********* SHAZAM ****************************************************** After download, unzip the contents into your JAGUAR folder. If "shazam.exe" is available in the JAGUAR installation folder, you can identify the music played in JAGUAR by clicking the SHAZAM button. ********* SOUNDSTRETCH ************************************************ After download, unzip the contents into your JAGUAR folder. If "soundstretch.exe" is available in the JAGUAR installation folder, you can change the tempo and pitch in your audio clips in CLIPPER. ********* PATTERNS **************************************************** After download, unzip the contents into "PATTERNS" folder in your JAGUAR folder (=> JAGUAR\PATTERNS will then contain lots of small html files). Data in PATTERNS folder is used for drawing US/CA day & night time patterns on NA map. ******** YASLOG2GIF *************************************************** After download & unzip, just save YASLOG2GIF.EXE to your JAGUAR folder. If you want to archive YASLOGs as images (to be saved locally or on the Internet), you can run this exe daily to create datestamped image files named as "YASLOG YYYY-MM-DD.GIF". Easiest way to do it is to schedule that run into [MESTOR]-section: XX:XX RUN YASLOG2GIF where XX:XX is replaced by the wanted run time. By default YASLOG2GIF creates datestamped output file names. If you rename YASLOG2GIF.EXE => YASLOG2GIFZ.EXE, the output file names will be "Z.GIF". The max height of the produced image is the y resolution of the screen. NEW: This program also creates now text file (="Z.TXT") containing J-index values with 15-minute interval. ******** DEVANTECH **************************************************** Jaguar has a built-in support for automatic antenna switch using USB-RLY08 Devantech 8 Channel Relay Module. Full documentation can be found in our JAGUAR GUIDE. In the zip enclosed you'll find USB-RLY08 - the technical documentation - driver kit - sample install verification program ******** NEWMAPS ****************************************************** JAGUAR uses a renewed map system since 21-06-19. If you are missing the TERRITORIAL and DARK NEON maps, please download NEWMAPS.zip and unzip the contents ("map3" and "map4") to the JAGUAR's GRAPHICS folder. ******** FILESCAN ***************************************************** JAGUAR V10 offers more freedom for the offset scans: the new independent FILESCAN.exe supports simultaneous offsets scans with the JAGUAR LIVESCAN, in addition multiple FILESCAN runs can be launched and run in parallel (using different specs, different days, etc). FILESCAN.exe can be started only via JAGUAR V10, but the scan results can be used also with older JAGUAR versions. *********************************************************************** 73 / IPA